Sie war schon lange gewandert und hatte viel gesehen. Sie hat verschiedene Länder und Kulturen besucht und dabei die ganze Welt umreist. Sie war an Stellen, von denen sie nicht mal im modernsten Geographiebuch gelesen hatte und sie hatte jedes Buch gelesen, das es über Länder, Flüsse und geologische Gegebenheiten zum Druck geschafft hat. Sie hat diese Bände, Seiten und Bilder richtigerweise gewälzt, von links nach rechts und rechts na links, wie ein Blatt im Wind aber ohne dabei ihre eigentliche Linie zu verlieren. Sie war sich sicher, sie habe nun alles gesehen, mit ihren Füssen alles be- und getreten und über alles, was es sich aus ihrer sicht lohnte gegangen. Sie musste nun weise sein, da war sie sich sicher. Und so wanderte sie weiter, in völliger Überzeugung, sie wäre jetzt auf dem Rückweg, denn der wer schon so weit gekommen ist, der ist bei jedem weiteren Gange auf dem Rückweg. Dieser Philosophie folgte sie jedenfalls.
Sie machte Schritt um Schritt vorwärts, Tag für Tag und durch Jahr und Jahr. Bis sie an jenem Tag vor den Steinbergen stand und nicht weiter wusste. Und doch ging sie Weiter und bestieg Gipfel umd Gipfel, die Steinberge schienen aber endlos. Nach jeder Kante, nach jeder scharfen Kurve, mit der sie ihrem Weg wieder eine andere Wendung zu geben schien, nur um zu täuschen, mit jedem blinden Sprung ragte der nächste Gipfel vor ihr auf. Als würden diese Steine sich ihr immer wieder aufs Neue in den Weg stellen. Sie war verzweifelt und ratlos, sie dachte eigentlich sie hätte alles gesehen und erlebt und daher gab es nur eine, wirklich logische Erklärung für diesen Sachverhalt. Jemand musste Berge versetzen können... und mit dieser Erkenntnis ging sie einige Schritte zurück, Stieg von der Höhe hinunter und stetzte ihre Füsse wieder auf den Boden, der ihr eine ganz neue Tatsache zu zeigen schien: Vor ihr öffnete sich das Land in die Weite bis zum Horizont. Und da wusste sie, was zu tun war. Sie lief los und entdeckte die Welt.
Dienstag, 12. Juni 2012
Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2012
he counted
he loved to count. he counted all the things he saw on his way. he counted them once, twice and sometimes, he sometimes counted them much more as he could hold in his working memory. his span to notice things was amazingly big and it rose with eacht number, with each thing, with each cube he counted. To count was his life.
he loved to count. he counted as soon as he woke up and got up in the morning. he counted at breakfast, he counted at dinner and he counted in the bar drinking his after-work beer. he counted people, he counted, chairs, he counted cars and he also counted the plates on his way. to count was his life.
he adored to count. And even he tried to stopp he again began to count shortly after quitting. he WAS a counter and counting was a huge part of him, a part of his heart and a part of HIM.
One day, he hardy remember that day, he woke up in the morning, liing in his bed he noticed a unknown feeling, but he ignored it and got up. As he made breakfast and he trunk his orange-juice he stopped. He had noticed that he was not counting. he forgot it without any reason. And from that day on, he never counted again... and he lived... he lived his life.
he loved to count. he counted as soon as he woke up and got up in the morning. he counted at breakfast, he counted at dinner and he counted in the bar drinking his after-work beer. he counted people, he counted, chairs, he counted cars and he also counted the plates on his way. to count was his life.
he adored to count. And even he tried to stopp he again began to count shortly after quitting. he WAS a counter and counting was a huge part of him, a part of his heart and a part of HIM.
One day, he hardy remember that day, he woke up in the morning, liing in his bed he noticed a unknown feeling, but he ignored it and got up. As he made breakfast and he trunk his orange-juice he stopped. He had noticed that he was not counting. he forgot it without any reason. And from that day on, he never counted again... and he lived... he lived his life.
Sonntag, 3. Juni 2012
It was a time that he did not wanted to miss. He only knew these feelings until one week, but he felt as if had felt this way since years. It was reality and fantasy at the same time. Thus, he did not know if he was living or dreaming. But he did not care about that, he wanted to live this way and he knew, it was good.
Moreover, he tried to enhance these feelings. He created thoughts, he imagined situations that nobody had imagined before. He was the king, the president, the dictator and the oligarch at the same time, but neverthless, he always stayed himself. And, he knew, it was good.
Nevertheless, he could not discribe his feelings, he could not paint his inmaginariy pictures and he could not talk about his own movie in his head. And, he knew, it was good.
Moreover, he tried to enhance these feelings. He created thoughts, he imagined situations that nobody had imagined before. He was the king, the president, the dictator and the oligarch at the same time, but neverthless, he always stayed himself. And, he knew, it was good.
Nevertheless, he could not discribe his feelings, he could not paint his inmaginariy pictures and he could not talk about his own movie in his head. And, he knew, it was good.
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